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Beautiful skirts, do want!
Grass-Fields // IG: grass_fields
$37 - $160
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Beautiful skirts, do want!
Melissa McCracken, a painter with synesthesia, explains what it’s like to see your favorite songs. [x]
“Karma Police”— Radiohead
“Little Wing”— Jimi Hendrix
“Gravity”— John Mayer
“Imagine”— John Lennon
“Joy in Repetition” — Prince
“Since I’ve Been Loving You” — Led Zeppelin
“Life On Mars?”— David Bowie
“Tonight, Tonight”— The Smashing Pumpkins
This is one of those genetic mutations I would lobe to have
I can’t paint mine into a single image because they constantly change throughout the song. They’d make great backing videos though.
Yeah, mine manifest as “videos” too, kind of like Disney’s Fantasia.
notactuallycute this concerns me for some reason, is this okay?
Hello, shorter-url.
Your concern is very much understandable! Many people are taught that a shark cannot swim when still, which is partially true.Sharks mainly breathe via two methods– buccal pumping, in which the shark actively draws water in through its mouth to pass over its gills, and ram ventilation, in which the shark must constantly move to force water over their gills. Buccal pumping is more prevalent in ancient sharks, and while some sharks adapted for bottom-feeding still use it, many modern sharks – like the great white shark – have lost that ability altogether and instead can only breathe via ram ventilation. These are called obligate ram ventilators and they have to keep moving in order to breathe.
This particular shark is an adult S. fasciatum, a Zebra or Leopard Shark, depending on the region. Fortunately, they aren’t obligate ram ventilators and, in fact, have very strong buccal muscles. You can even see them working in the first two gifs. When it starts moving to swim away, the diver lets it go, and there’s no harm for either party.
All the best,
FatanyerosAlso, in my work with nurse sharks (same branch as S. fasciatum) I found them to actually enjoy scritches and petting. They would actively seek them out on their own terms.
My life is infinitely better for knowing some sharks like scritches.
By Courtney Sherwood PORTLAND, Ore. (Reuters) - An undersea volcano about 300 miles (480 km) off Oregon’s coast has been spewing lava for the past seven days, confirming forecasts made last fall and giving researchers unique insight into a hidden ocean hot spot, a scientist said on Friday.
Researchers know of two previous eruptions by the volcano, dubbed “Axial Seamount” for its location along the axis of an underwater mountain ridge, Oregon State University geologist Bill Chadwick said on Friday.
Last year, researchers connected monitoring gear to an undersea cable that, for the first time, allowed them to gather live data on the volcano, whose peak is about 4,900 feet (1,500 meters) below the ocean surface. “The cable allows us to have more sensors and monitoring instruments than ever before, and it’s happening in real time,” said Chadwick, who also is affiliated with the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
The Last Shuttle, Yuri Shwedoff
I love this sort of ascetic and or theme, I don’t know if it has a name, but I love it.
Right, so. I’m angry all over again and I’m going to be angry for a while, because if I see one more idiot defending the rape scene over the fact that “that was just what happened in medieval times,” I am going to put a brick through my computer screen. This won’t be as long…
One of the reasons I’m proud to have studied Late Antiquity and the Medieval world.
You’re right, we are mortal and fragile. But even if we are tortured or wounded, we’ll fight to survive.
- Don’t have them die of old age after a long, fulfilling life. Many people don’t even think of this as sad (note that this can still work if you have enough of the other factors).
- Leave one of their major goals unfinished. The more enthusiastic they are about completing the goal, the sadder.
- Give them strong relationships with other characters.
- Make them fight against whatever is causing their death. Their ultimate loss is sadder if they struggle.
- Kill them in the middle of their character arc.
- Don’t describe their funeral in detail. Maybe it’s just me, but I find that long descriptions of funerals kill the sadness.
That’s enough Satan’s publisher…
7. If possible, try to kill them off in the middle of the story, so we had time to like them and we will have time to let the loss settle in.
8. Also, place surviving characters in a situation where having the deceased person there would help them get out. You can choose whether you will point this fact out or if you want the audience to make the connection themselves.
If I may make a suggestion for having your character point out a deceased character’s helpfulness: have them offhandedly say “Oh, ___, you can handle this” then realize they’re dead.
You monsters.
the secret 2 my success
I’m not sure that I followed the instructions correctly.
Another of my latest badges, I Love Anglo-Saxon History is for anyone who enjoys digging in to the history of England, before the Normans showed up!
More badges and other great history products can be found at Creative Historian!
Oh my gosh, yay!
‘The Island of Madness’
Poveglia Island is one of many island in the lagoons of Venice, Italy but instead of being a place of beauty, the island is a festering blemish in the shimmering sea and is not only regarded as one of the most haunted locations on the planet, but also one of the most evil places in the world. Today no one visits save to harvest the vineyards. Fishermen even steer clear of the island for fear that they will catch human bones in their nets.
As the plague tightened its grip, the population began to panic and those residents showing the slightest sign of sickness were taken from their homes and to the island of Poveglia kicking and screaming and pleading. They were thrown onto piles of rotting corpses and set ablaze. Men, women, children… all left to die in agony. It’s estimated that the tiny island saw as many as 160,000 bodies during this time.
As if the story was not disturbing enough, it gets worse. In 1922 the island became home to a psychiatric hospital complete with a large and very impressive bell tower. The patients of this hospital immediately began to report that they would see ghosts of plague victims on the island and that they would be kept up at night hearing the tortured wails of the suffering spirits. Because they were already considered mad by the hospital staff, these complaints were largely ignored.
To add to the anguish of the poor souls populating this island hospital, one doctor there decided to make a name for himself by experimenting on his subjects all to find a cure for insanity. Lobotomies were performed on his pitiable patients using crude tools like hand drills, chisels, and hammers. Those patients and even the ones who were not privy to the doctor’s special attentions were taken to the bell tower where they were tortured and subjected to a number of inhumane horrors.
Hi there. I have a character and he is half alien, but because of this, he can turn into a panther like creature. When he was born, he looked human, but after a few days, he turned into a cub. He stayed in that form until he was 10, now he can shift whenever. 1. Is it strange to have him date…