frecklesrex: 5/? Favourite Supernatural Tumblr Posts
Ten questions to ask a friend who just read your novel
Found this article. Found it incredibly helpful. Be sure to go read the full story, but these are the ten questions the author (Lydia Netzer) covers in it:
1. At what point did you feel like “Ah, now the story has really begun!”
2. What were the points where you found yourself skimming?
3. Which setting in the book was clearest to you as you were reading it? Which do you remember the best?
4. Which character would you most like to meet and get to know?
5. What was the most suspenseful moment in the book?
6. If you had to pick one character to get rid of, who would you axe?
7. Was there a situation in the novel that reminded you of something in your own life?
8. Where did you stop reading, the first time you cracked open the manuscript? (Can show you where your first dull part is, and help you fix your pacing.)
9. What was the last book you read, before this? And what did you think of it? (This can put their comments in context in surprising ways, when you find out what their general interests are. It might surprise you.)
10. Finish this sentence: “I kept reading because…”Some of this could be easily adapted into roleplay critiques, though it’s primary use is, of course, novel writing.
purrrrha: do you ever see someone’s headcanon for your fave character and just
do you ever see someone’s headcanon for your fave character and just
the-super-scout: helioscentrifuge: runtime-err0r: itsvondell: you can take one man’s trash to...
you can take one man’s trash to another man’s treasure but you can’t make it drink
Fun fact: the blending of idioms or cliches is called a malaphor.
My personal favorite is “We’ll burn that bridge when we get to it.”
I looked it up b/c that was a very familiar idiom and how could it be wrong but then
yeah wow that’s spot on perfect
my catchphrase
ideaofstruggle: stupidcoolfinnparty: ║—— “Kid….What did I say about looking at me like that?”
║—— “Kid….What did I say about looking at me like that?”
crookedpwnguin: First round of photos from today’s shoot....

First round of photos from today’s shoot. Photos by:
Nancy Michaels
Jim Nelson (Coyote Creations)
Mike Paek



"Do Gelatinous Cubes have souls?"
- Our party’s dragonborn Paladin who wears a Helm of Seven Deaths (via outofcontextdnd)
And they dream of globular sheep?
heartoflaos: Buddha Statues’ Heads: What it actually...

Buddha Statues’ Heads: What it actually means.
Yesterday, I went shopping at Homegoods with my mom for some interior decorations and a few gifts. And what do you know: Buddha’s heads, either in brass and sold as “antique” or dipped in bright neon paint. My mom shook her head in disapproval and laughed. This really got my mind thinking that shoppers have literally no clue what these statues’ heads are really about.
This really got my mind thinking about that Thai movie “Ong-Bak" about how a group of thieves decapitated a Buddha statue’s head & how a Muay Thai skilled warrior volunteered to return it before it is sold in the black market. Cutting off that religious statue’s head is seen as an act of vandalism & violence. It is one of the utmost disrespectful marks one could do in the religion. The original heads were stolen from respected places of worship. Cutting off Buddha statues’ heads have been happening for who-knows-how-long originally by greedy thieves.
And now they are replicated into fashion statements or interior decorating. They really have such a dark history behind them that nearly a lot of people had forgotten. (None of those pictures belong to me.)
sergiosblog: nikadonna: I was really mad that there was almost...

I was really mad that there was almost no Kai in book 4… ಠ_ಠ
Anyway, I was wondering what older!Kai would look like and this happened
this is so beautiful. congrats on being a beautiful person with beautiful talent. hot damn
tarteauxfraises: driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his...
bogleech: shiroxix: It is not the prettiest but here is a...

It is not the prettiest but here is a little chart I made of skin tones.
The idea is to eye-drop anywhere on the chart to get a unique skin tone instead of getting stuck in the loop of “white, tan, dark”.
Oh this is very cool! I miss photoshop, I’m so sad my comp died. ;(
gregferrell: maleinstructor: In the heat of battle,...

In the heat of battle, photographer Horace Bristol captured one of the most unique and erotic photos of WWII.
Bristol photographed a young crewman of a US Navy “Dumbo” PBY rescue mission, manning his gun after having stripped naked and jumped into the water of Rabaul Harbor to rescue a badly burned Marine pilot. The Marine was shot down while bombing the Japanese-held fortress of Rabaul.
“…we got a call to pick up an airman who was down in the Bay. The Japanese were shooting at him from the island, and when they saw us they started shooting at us. The man who was shot down was temporarily blinded, so one of our crew stripped off his clothes and jumped in to bring him aboard. He couldn’t have swum very well wearing his boots and clothes. As soon as we could, we took off. We weren’t waiting around for anybody to put on formal clothes. We were being shot at and wanted to get the hell out of there. The naked man got back into his position at his gun in the blister of the plane.”"And well, there was his butt, and I had a camera. I mean I AM a historian."
cryaotic: nostopdasgay: rachelannmillar: One of the best...

One of the best fanarts I’ve ever seen in my whole life. Remember when Velma and Johnny kinda hooked up in the old Cartoon Network commercials? Well. This.
they are perfect
Christ I didn’t know I needed this.
I remember that! So cute, I totally ship it. <3
gayonthemoon1239: rifa: actualbloggerwangyao: alvaroandtheworl...

Source For more posts like this, follow Ultrafacts
No, no, you have no idea. It actually IS the beginning of the whole so-called “kawaii culture”. And it started because girls started using mechanical pencils, which provided fine handwriting. After being banished (more precisely, during the 80s), this kind of writing started being used in products like magazines and make-up. And, during this time, icons we usually associate with the whole kawaii industry (like the characters from Sanrio) came to life too.
And what many people don’t realize is that this subculture was born as a way for young girls to express themselves in their own way. And it was also used as something against the adult life and the traditional culture, often seen as dull and boring and oppressive. By embracing cuteness, these young girls (and adult women, after a while) were showing non-conformation with the current standards.
So yep. Kawaii is important, and it all started with cute, simple handwritting a few hearts and cat faces in some girls’ school notebooks <3
This is also how the kawaii fashions started! Girls began dressing in cute and off beat styles for themsleves, they were criticized by adult figures telling them “you’ll never find a husband if you dress that way!” to which they began to reply “Good!”
All the japanese subcultures and fashions that evolved out of this became a rebellion to tradition and the starch gender roles and expectations the adults were forcing on the younger generations. As early as the 70s and still to this day you’ll see an emphasis on child-like fashion and themes in more kawaii styles and the dismissal of the male gaze with styles like lolita (a lot of western people assume lolita is somehow sexual due to the name of the fashion, but ask any japanese lolita and they will tell you that men hate the style and find it unattractive which is sometimes a large reason they gravitate towards the style - they can express their femininity and individuality while remaining independent and without the pressure to appeal to men)
Its so so so important to understand the hyper cute and ‘odd’ fashions of Japanese girls carry such a huge message of feminism and reclaiming of their own lives.
so are you telling me that Japan’s punk phase was really the kawaii phase
Interesting information!
allonsyandallwaswell: gallifreyan-gallimaufry: leda74: theroth...

I want to go to this exact point and run around it saying “I’m in Sweden!” I’m in Finland!” “I’m in Norway!” until I get tired
i aspire to great things in life
According to Google Maps, that point is in the middle of a small lake.
So we’ll do it in January when it’s frozen.
actually that’s why they’ve helpfully dropped a big-ass cement block with a bridge surrounding it in the middle of the lake: for the express purpose of doing what OP aspires to do
there’s so much beauty in the world.
sting-rae11: Okay no. This shit is so fucking satisfying. I can...

Okay no. This shit is so fucking satisfying. I can not tell you the joy it brings me when an underage kid tries to buy GTA and when I tell them they need a parent, they go get said parent, and then I say “hey, this game is rated M for these reasons” AND THE PARENTS GET SO APPALLED AND SAY “NO WAY YOU ARE NOT GETTING THAT GAME.” And the look of hatred the kids give me is so raw and pure it gives me fucking life. Damn I miss GameStop.
rectangleshorts: rcmclachlan: kate-wisehart: joannablackhart: ...

I think this is pretty misleading. I can’t comment on the top two characters, since I haven’t seen the original or Next Gen since I was little, but I know that Kira Nerys and Katherine Janeway had episodes where they were made out to be more sex objects than characters. Also, you kinda forgot all about Seven of Nine in this picture.
On the opposite side, which I can’t comment on the sequel since I haven’t seen it yet, but I know in the “original” remake, Uhura was still a pretty strong and independent character. Yes, you see her in her underwear once. Big deal. Yes, they did have a character just for the sex appeal. You didn’t see her after that scene, and it wasn’t really that focused on in the scene.
I’m not trying to debunk all sexism in the world of cinema, but before you attack a series/movies because of a few scenes, you may want to do some research into what you’re attacking…Um, nope, sorry, I was trying to let this go but such blatantly false information can’t be spread.
The only time Kira came even close to being portrayed as a sex object was when it wasn’t actually her - i.e. when her form was used in Bashir’s holoprogram in ‘Our Man Bashir’, when Vic used her image to make Odo more comfortable romancing the real Kira in ‘His Way’, and Intendant Kira from the Mirror Universe (which doesn’t even count really, because she used her sexuality deliberately, as a weapon).
In the rest of the series we see her in a bikini once and she’s clearly uncomfortable with it, and hidden by fog, the rest of the time she’s in tasteful casual clothes or her uniform.
And Captain Janeway as a sex object? I’m sorry what? I literally cannot think of an example. Maybe when Q appears in her quarters while she’s having a bath?
Even then there’s a huge difference between having a female character semi-naked (which in the series we usually saw like, her shoulders or back) and what the reboot does to ALL of its female characters.
The entire point of this post wasn’t that the TV series were entirely devoid of sexism, but that its female characters were given important roles - including COMMANDING THE SHIP - while the most defining aspect of the reboot women is that they’ve all posed in their underwear for the audience to appreciate.
I talked about this more coherently during Reboot Week, including an entire post about the Carol Marcus Underwear Incident and the reasons new Uhura doesn’t live up to the same standard as the original.
I would have let your comments slide as yet another personal willing to let this bullshit slide because ‘the women only showed up in their underwear once!’ except for THIS inflammatory remark “before you attack a series/movies because of a few scenes, you may want to do some research into what you’re attacking.”
Because excuse you, but the person who made this graphic, not to mention all the people reblogging it because they agree with it, did a HELL of a lot more ‘research’ into the bullshit they’re calling out than you did.
Next time why don’t you think a little more about what you’re saying before you try to call people out? Because it seems to me that the only person who needs to do more research about this issue is you.
Not to mention the fact that all the women above, the pictures are of them in the captain’s chair, leading people, and that is the biggest point. Even when in uniform, with the damned little short sleeves, let’s point out that we never get to see a woman in reboot outranking a man, while in the original Treks we saw them as powerful leaders. That is the point of this post, as thevalkyriedirective said above; the way we are to see women, in older Treks as concomitant beings, while in reboot as sexually appealing objects.
My goodness, this is the entire point of the graphic!
Saavik, Beverly, Nerys and Kathryn could all be sitting in their undies too, but they’d still be in the Captain’s chair, they’d still be in charge, and so far the reboot hasn’t given us women who are even close to their TV counterparts.
Uhura and Marcus above are both in scenes where they are seen in their underwear by a male characters without the woman’s consent. And each instance is depicted as playful or goofy as opposed to a violation of the woman’s agency. And THAT is the crux of the problem with NuTrek.
Kira and Janeway were certainly sexually desired, but their sexual agency was virtually always affirmed. IF a character were to stumble into seeing them in a private situation, it would be framed as a violation. Not “boys being Kirks” like the movies did.
And for all the leering fanboys, Seven of Nine’s story arc was actually ALL about respecting her agency in different aspects of her life. She had her agency first taken away by the Borg, but then also had to assert choice to continue to identify as Borg after being liberated and be respected for reconciling her experience as she saw fit. Turning her into a catsuit ignores the considerable nuance the writers took in developing her character.
It does get right down to the horrendous way in which JJ Abrams related to Trek and how he views women in general and in the context of Star Trek fandom. He’s said in interviews that he wanted to make his Star Trek something “wives and girlfriends” could enjoy. He didn’t see women as people who could enjoy the franchised. Just as people to placate just enough to not interfere with the “real fans”. He thinks of 60’s Trek as all about sex and cowboys, whereas Roddenberry always knew that those aspects were a means to an end, not an end in and of itself. In this way, the original Trek was largely inverted from JJ Trek. Just enough action and sex to lure in the boys to serve the hard science fiction storytelling, as opposed to just enough romantic follies to lure in the wives to serve the sex and explosion storytelling.
I was going to make a long and detailed comment, was composing it in my head, and then I read the comment directly above mine and has no need to say anything further. (yet still feel compelled to bloviate a bit, I guess.)
Star Trek’s basically not getting any more of my money until someone other than Abrams is at the head.
ITT an abridged version of why I hate JJ Abrhams (among other things)
NuTrek pisses me off so much because it had a lot of potential— the alternate universe gives us lots of room to play around and come up with new, exciting adventures for this crew, with lovely and talented actors and AMAZING special effects worthy of Star Trek — but it COMPLETELY disregards everything that make Trek so important and wonderful.
I like NuTrek as entertainment fodder but it’s one of those things I have to watch with my SJA blinders up because otherwise I just spend the whole time angry. I respect that it’s gotten a whole new generation of people into Star Trek — I know SO MANY people who got interested because of NuTrek and then went on to watch TOS, TNG, DS9, the original movies — but it’s inherent sexism (and the fact that I can’t recall off the top of my head any actual homosexual/bisexual characters) drives me up the wall.
TOS was groundbreaking and TNG continued that tradition. Yeah, there were problematic aspects within both of them (an unfortunate sign of the times in which they were made), but they were SO. IMPORTANT.
And honestly the most important thing NuTrek has contributed to society is introducing people to the older, more sensitive and culturally-aware canons.Can someone print this whole thing out and mail it to JJ Abrams?
Let’s not forget that in the DVD commentary for Star Trek (2009) (which is full of awfulness), Abrams said that the whole reason for the bedroom scene was specifically so they could get Uhura in her underwear, not necessarily to advance the plot. How is that not objectification?
I agree with the feelings expressed above. The new StarTrek Reboot films are fun, but I feel like the writing fell flat for the female characters. This bugs the crap out of me, especially with Uhura. Thinking back over the past two movies, I feel her participation and dialogue revolves her relationship with Spock and Kirk talks to her mostly about this too. She has moments were she can lampshade her language skills, but they do not influence that larger plot. In the original series Uhura is defined by her abilities and contributions as a part of the bridge crew who are the series’s main characters. She’s not written to be anyone’s love interest, she a competent and vital officer of the crew. This isn’t even taking into account the important factor that Uhura is of African ancestry and she gives important representation and shows that in a bright future humans can overcome hurtful views and live together with equality and caring.