Just a thing I’ve worked on a bit recently.
A few weeks ago I had a Berserk binge where I watched all of movies while drawing a bit.
Today I’d put a few hours into it and call it done for now, so that’s that.
History According to Tumblr
BBbbwwwhahahahahahah! The commentary here! Benjamin Franklin and the fresco with the Roman guy, got me the most. XD
Claricia’s Medieval Selfie
Claricia was a German illuminator who included a self-portrait in a South German psalter produced circa 1200 CE.
In the self-portrait, she depicts herself swinging from the tail of a letter Q with her name inscribed over her head. Her uncovered head, braided hair, and style of dress (close-fitting tunic, long-waisted dress, long flowing sleeves) suggests that she was a lay student at the convent.
I love this.
Me, too! Thanks for sharing this, Kat!!
Let me illuminate a selfie! :D XD
"This is war. It's no different from any other war."
Carry on my wayward son.
Before the Affordable Care Act I could literally not get insurance. I have a chronic disease, ulcerative colitis, which causes me a lot of pain, about $300 in prescription drug bills per month, and will probably give me cancer.
The treatment for the cancer that I hope won’t kill me is a surgery that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars and it will be followed by a lifetime of medical bills to help me live without a colon.
Do you want to know why I didn’t have health insurance? Because I was diagnosed in college…and when I graduated I had to get off the University’s plan and when I applied for new coverage I was denied. I was denied by every insurance company that operates in the state of Montana. Apparently this was my fault?
So now we have the Affordable Care Act. I pay full price for health insurance, and if I get in a car accident (which might happen) or get cancer (which probably will) I can avoid bankruptcy. I can continue running my business that employs 30 people and not dissolve all of the assets of the thing I have built in order to pay for the luxury of not dying.
And what is the price to you? To the average citizen? Oh, y’know, nothing. No increase in your taxes, and you’re more likely to see your insurance bill go down than you were before the ACA was passed. Fucking Horrible. I’m so sorry that the sustainability of our nation’s economy and the freedom of average citizens to not live in constant fear take precedence over your bullshit ideology.
It’s time to vote! Select your favorite motivational poster for the Win Tiamat’s Hoard contest.
There were so many (to the tune of several thousands) awesome entries to choose from. Many thanks to our amazing community for their participation. We hope you had as much fun creating these as we did reading them.
So should I run Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Tyranny of Dragons?
- finicky
- painstaking
- fastidious
- particular
- precise
- scrupulous
- conscientious
- persnickety (it’s real word i promise)
- accurate
- meticulous
- punctilious
- exact
basically there are loads of really cool words out there, (persnickety!!) so you don’t need to appropriate OCD for your own use if you don’t actually have it!
use these, people
please and thank
A collection of photos I found on internet of woman in armor that could actually work, and lack the infamous “boob plate”
To use as reference basically, thought would be interesting to show.
This is something which shall forever make me swoon…
Someone took a candid photo of a fight in Ukranian Parliament that is as well-composed as the best renaissance art
this is currently my favorite thing on the entire internet
I’m so amused every time this passes through my dash!
"There’s going to be viking longships full of carebears assaulting the shores of Wonderland."
This is me, in a nutshell.
Since I started getting into Berserk, I’ve grown to care for Guts more than almost any fictional character I’ve ever seen. I’ve been watching this guy from birth through all the hardships to his brief moments of happiness and everything in between… and at this point, I think if he continually keeps facing tragedy after tragedy and the series ends on a depressing note… something inside me might just break a little. I think I was on the verge of tearing up several times through the manga (which doesn’t happen to me often).
On top of that, I’m so afraid for all the other characters I’ve grown to love. I know that Berserk hasn’t been as dark as it used to be for some time, but I get the feeling that this is a prolonged calm before the storm. I can’t shake the thought that more awful, heartbreaking things are in store for us, and I’m a little scared.
Same here bud, same here ^_^
Sooo has anyone else noticed that the page on the right is what he and did at first? XD He got ideas… hee hee!
Hayley ^_^
So Badass! Art by Triggenigge187?
Berser - Guts and Schierke by Enoki.
This is so cute, I just… SQUEE! I love the big brother little sister trope so much. Awwww these two!
So Capt Jack got his ‘Pirate’ brand for liberating slaves. Yes I want this story told.
This is why his soul is worth 100 souls. Because he saved 100 slaves. The Black Pearl has its name for a reason. It’s a slave running ship.
I never caught this when I watched this movie. This explains a LOT.
I would watch the heck out of a prequel like this!