War Kitties in Hammocks
Carriers and other vessels got infested with rodents. So cats were not just moral boosters (which they very much were) they were also working members of the crew. Some have even been immortalized for surviving multiple attacks on their ships, etc. Military dogs have been recognized for the important roles they’ve played but I think cats kinda get lost in the shuffle of military animals sometimes.
War Kitties in Hammocks Carriers and other vessels got...
I love this like I love Berserk, with tears in my eyes.
I love this like I love Berserk, with tears in my eyes.
nehirose: heatherbat: oh my god shannon oh my god i love this...
visenya-s: NO. FUCK THAT. A BOOK IS A BOOK. and i dont wanna...
NO. FUCK THAT. A BOOK IS A BOOK. and i dont wanna sound like one of those eco-freaks. but having a Nook or Kindle at least saves trees in some way
I love the feeling and sight of paper books. I’ve been writing a novel for some time now, and when ever I imagine it published I’m usually holding a physical copy.
That said however, I think my kindle is one of the best gifts I’ve ever been given. It’s easy to hold and to read, it stores a a whole library in on place. I can actually have more books more easily. As a university student it’s also a huge relief to get a course reading on kindle/e-reader, because it becomes much easier to transport. I understand the love of books. It’s a good thing, and an old thing, well at least as old as the general population being able to read. I also think people will still keep owning and buying physical books, but one must make sure to not be biased about a trivial thing such as format. Whether of or not one agrees with the old saying of you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover. Perhaps a updated but just as relevant saying might be, “don’t judge a reader by the format they prefer." Also just to have said it, if you are hoping to impress someone with your wall of books, you’ve missed the point of it all.
Hayley ^_^
I’m re-blogging this so when the time comes next year I...
I’m re-blogging this so when the time comes next year I can keep this in mind and be strong.
Hayley ^_^
supermattural: nayx: this video makes me so happy this is...
this video makes me so happy
this is exactly 100% what its like to be enlisted
This made me giggle.
medievalpoc: Fifteenth Century Manuscripts: Fear of the...
Fifteenth Century Manuscripts: Fear of the Ottomans and help from Ethiopia
One of the most beautiful ‘art’ histories that I encountered during my years of research into the imagination of “Black” in the Dutch / Flemish art, were the miniatures in manuscripts in which Africans can be seen. One surprising figure after another surfaced. Unfortunately, these works are rarely lent and we could show only a few examples in the exhibition Black is Beautiful in 2008.
An interesting example is that in the period that the Burgundian Duke Philip the Good 1396 -1467 was in power, there was admiration for “Ethiopians”. This appreciation can be found in both in literature and in the arts and has hardly been investigated.
What lies behind these sometimes intriguing works? A first step of the research was then to find out what was going on historically in that period
Another historical event that influenced the imagination of black Africans in the visual arts was caused by the threat from the East. While the world in the west became larger and offered more trade opportunities, a new danger was approaching from the East in the form of the Ottomans. The conquest of Constantinople in 1453 on the Christians by the Ottomans made a great impression on religious and secular leaders, including Philip the Good. These leaders went looking for other Christian allies in the world against this new Muslim enemy. The Europeans became increasingly focused on Ethiopia. They knew this land for centuries as Christian.
It was thought in Europe that Ethiopian rulers were the only ones who could claim the “real” royal blood. They descended directly from Solomon. Solomon, the third king of Israel, according to the Ethiopian history written in the Kebra Negast (“The Glory of Kings”), had begotten a son with Queen Sheba.
This son became king Menelik I of Ethiopia. The fifteenth-century king of Ethiopia, it was thought, was a direct descendant of him. The kings of Ethiopia had extraordinary powers and forces, it was also thought. Europeans assumed that the king possessed a great and mighty army, and that he had the power to change the flow of the Nile He had the tools to beat the Arabs in Egypt.
Ethiopians were more than welcome in Europe.
That Philip the Good was expecting good things from black Africans is reflected in the work of the Flemish miniaturist Loyset Liédet, commissioned by Philip.
In one of the manuscripts of Loyset Liédet, La Fleur des Histoires (fol. 7, 1455 -1460), we see a representation of the reinstallation of Constantine the Great (c. 280-337) at Constantinople, the three black escorts are probably Ethiopians. The men wear fifteenth-century fashion.
The dark man in middle front could depict a king or dignitary. He wears the clothes and hat of a highly placed person. On his neck he seems to have a golden chain. Typical of the western view of Africans are the golden earrings and the band around the head of one of the other men.
-Esther Schruder, Art Historian
Notice even a professional finds these works very difficult to get SEEN by anyone. Also note that she mentions almost no research has been done-they just let these works of art molder in obscurity.
sfux: lets be real that espeon could have fucking killed ash...
lets be real that espeon could have fucking killed ash right there and made pikachu watch
That Prismatic Spray it’ll get ya!
102 Resources for Fiction Writers
Are you still stuck for ideas for National Novel Writing Month? Or are you working on a novel at a more leisurely pace? Here are 102 resources on Character, Point of View, Dialogue, Plot, Conflict, Structure, Outlining, Setting, and World Building, plus some links to generate Ideas and Inspiration.
The Universal Mary Sue Litmus Test
Priming the idea pump (A character checklist shamlessly lifted from acting)
Handling a Cast of Thousands – Part I: Getting to Know Your Characters
Establishing the Right Point of View: How to Avoid “Stepping Out of Character”
How to Start Writing in the Third Person
Web Resources for Developing Characters
What are the Sixteen Master Archetypes?
Fiction Writer’s Character Chart
Fiction Writer’s Character Chart
Villains are People, Too, But …
Top 10 Tips for Writing Dialogue
Advantages, Disadvantages and Skills (character traits)
How to Write a Character Bible
Character Development Exercises
All Your Characters Sounds the Same — And They’re Not a Hivemind!
Writing the Other: Bridging Cultural Difference for Successful Fiction
Family Echo (family tree website)
Interviewing Characters: Follow the Energy
100 Character Development Questions for Writers
Lineage Chart Layout Generator
How to Write a Novel: The Snowflake Method
Effectively Outlining Your Plot
Conflict and Character within Story Structure
Ideas, Plots & Using the Premise Sheets
Creating Conflict and Sustaining Suspense
Plunge Right In … Into Your Story, That Is!
Fiction Writing Tips: Story Grid
Tips for Creating a Compelling Plot
The Thirty-six (plus one) Dramatic Situations
The Evil Overlord Devises a Plot: Excerpt from Stupid Plotting Tricks
The Hero’s Journey: Summary of the Steps
Outline Your Novel in Thirty Minutes
The Art of Description: Eight Tips to Help You Bring Your Settings to Life
Creating the Perfect Setting – Part I
An Impatient Writer’s Approach to Worldbuilding
Fantasy Worldbuilding Questions
Character and Setting Interactions
Creating Fantasy and Science Fiction Worlds
Maps Workshop — Developing the Fictional World Through Mapping
Solve Your Problems Simply by Saying Them Out Loud
Writing Inspiration, or Sex on a Bicycle
Creative Acceleration: 11 Tips to Engineer a Productive Flow
The Seven Major Beginner Mistakes
Complete Your First Book with these 9 Simple Writing Habits
Free Association, Active Imagination, Twilight Imaging
Story Starters and Idea Generators
One-Pass Manuscript Revision: From First Draft to Last in One Cycle
Revising Your Novel: Read What You’ve Written
Writing 101: So You Want to Write a Novel Part 3: Revising a Novel
My Writing Nook (online text editor; free)
Bubbl.us (online mind map application; free)
Freemind (mind map application; free; Windows, Mac, Linux, portable)
XMind (mind map application; free; Windows, Mac, Linux, portable)
Liquid Story Binder (novel organization and writing software; free trial, $45.95; Windows, portable)
Scrivener (novel organization and writing software; free trial, $39.95; Mac)
SuperNotecard (novel organization and writing software; free trial, $29; Windows, Mac, Linux, portable)
yWriter (novel organization and writing software; free; Windows, Linux, portable)
JDarkRoom (minimalist text editor; free; Windows, Mac, Linux, portable)
AutoRealm (map creation software; free; Windows, Linux with Wine)
ryanccole: "Hello my name is Berserk and you are reading Fuck...
"Hello my name is Berserk and you are reading Fuck My Life.”
This wonderful, sad and true. I love the artist’s style it’s fantastic. Poor Guts.
repair-her-armor: poupon: axl99: ienjoyfewthings: Dear...
Dear anyone responsible for a work of fantasy fiction,
This is how you warrior.UGH. YES. LADIES IN PROPER ARMOR.
The two watercolor ones are by Marian Churchland, who is THE BEST
the one with a reclining redhead is by Sang Han
From what I can tell, the rest are official art from various games.
I’m officially in love!
All can say is yes! No booby armor, armor is armor and works for both gender body types!
lucienballard: Doggerland. A map showing Doggerland, a region...
A map showing Doggerland, a region of northwest Europe home to Mesolithic people before sea level rose to inundate this area and create the Europe we are familiar with today.
Map via National Geographic magazine.
I find this super fascinating, I bet the under water archaeology is amazing.
Shades of Emotion - Creating Characters
When I found this useful list of precise words for feelings by Gina Senarighi in her post, How to Express Yourself Clearly, I realised how imprecise we can be as writers. We say sad without considering the tone of the sadness. We talk about being afraid without describing the shade of the fear.
The best writing comes from choosing precise words that say exactly what you mean. When you want to describe your character’s emotional state, there is a huge difference between being afraid with a tinge of terror, and being afraid with an inch of insecurity.
Our important characters drive our stories. We spend a lot of time creating characters. We sometimes don’t spend enough time thinking about their emotional reactions beyond the obvious.
See the list here: Shades of Emotions
This is helpful advice. If you follow the link there’s a cool chart too.
konkeydongcountry: anna-hiwatari: longlivethehokage: so i...
so i made a thing
and i continued
"I Only Know of Entry-Level Anime:" the Photoset
Sooo funny and soooo true! Lol
Here is the central protagonist of my novel Never a Legend. His...
Here is the central protagonist of my novel Never a Legend. His name is Riodan, he has an eventful life, this is one of the rough patches when he was enslaved. I’m so excited to see this picture in color! I had never painted in photoshop before, but my friend Lindsey is a fantastic teacher so here he is. ^_^
Hayley :)
drinkingcocoa-tpp: catharticcruella: catharticcruella: zekedms...
It’s worked for white people, I figured I might as well give it a shot.
I want you to go man!
if this was a white girl this would have had the notes 3 weeks ago
People are sending him racist messages telling him it’s not gonna happen and he doesn’t belong in Disney World over this post. So we’re gonna reblog it even more.
Get this boy to Disney world
We’re going to get to 700,005 by tonight!
This has shot up 100k a day for the last few days I AM VERY HAPPY ABOUT THIS.
Keep it up!Let’s hit 800,005 tonight!
That extra 5. Heh. Black dads drive a hard bargain. ;-)
lizardlicks: hellish-deer: ceruleanpineapple: spiders. they’...
they’re like tiny 8-legged cats
how can anyone hate themSpiders are huge derps, pass it on.
rah-bop: There are few things more glorious than a friend’s...
faustuszero: dotesmite: Shocking revelations found in the...
Shocking revelations found in the newest chapter…
Tag your spoilers!!!!
Man I got all excited and then the picture loaded *rolls eyes* Ha ha guys very funny.
Hayley ^_^