I gotta say a thing about this because it makes me so fucking angry that this sack of shit is allowed in the White House. (Infowars, not senator Murphy. He’s my senator and he’s doing awesome)
I worked with a woman whose child was in that first grade classroom that got massacred in the Sandy Hook shooting. We were all glued to the news all day and were hardly working because we all knew her kid was there and half the reports coming out of the whole thing were contradictory. She dropped everything and left to get to the school to pick him up when she heard.
She waited there most of the day. We waited in the office. One of the other ladies had her cell number and they were texting back and forth; everyone came to her to check in periodically to see what was happening. All she knew was that kids were slowly filtering back to their parents.
But she kept waiting. More children were reunited with parents. We finally heard that there was one classroom in particular that had been massacred. We also heard that some children made it to someone’s house nearby (which did happen). As the hours ticked by, the options dwindled and we realized that he was probably in that classroom and was gone, but held out a little hope that he’d made it to that house.
It wasn’t until after 5 pm, when I was on my way to run tech for a dance recital’s dress rehearsal, that we got confirmation that her son was killed. I sat in the back of the theater, watching other little kids his age practice their dancing, and cried.
They kept his funeral for family only but most of the office turned out for his wake. Surprisingly, it was open casket. He hadn’t been shot in the face or head. Have you ever seen a casket for a child? It’s fucking tiny. And they’d lined it with his favorite toys. Every single person in the room was either in shock and showing it or outright crying.
The woman never came back to work. She threw herself into advocacy work instead.
And these fucking people, infowars, have posted shit accusing the whole thing of being a hoax or set up or what the fuck ever. And people BELIEVE THAT SHIT. AND NOW THEY’RE GIVEN LEGITIMACY BY BEING ALLOWED IN THE WHITE HOUSE AS IF THEY WRITE ANYTHING REMOTELY JOURNALISTIC.
I’m infuriated. So fucking infuriated.
Anyone who believes that the terror and grief and horror of that day was fake needs to go die in a ditch. Those children died, killed in cold blood. My coworker’s child was killed in cold blood. I went to the wake of a 6-year-old boy; one of 20 others all taking place at once. Those families deserve better than this set of fucking nutjobs sending them death threats and trying to delegitimize their grief.
And now they get a louder voice.
Fuck them, and fuck anyone who believes their bullshit. And fuck trump for giving them attention.
katyanoctis: I gotta say a thing about this because it makes me...