Have you seen my dad? (HI/WA State)
This is my dad, Tony Noonan. And he’s been missing since June 5th.
On Friday, June 5th 2015, my dad was alone at home with my autistic brother in Covington, WA. After my brother left for his scheduled weekly social club in the late evening, my dad suddenly left the house, taking his truck, all his medications, an old tent and a mattress, and some food and coffee. He also took the bulk of the money from his joint bank account with my mom, and emptied out his wallet all over the bathroom floor. At some point, he went to the local Fred Meyer pharmacy to pick up a prescription and told the Pharmacist we were moving. He hasn’t been seen or heard from since. He left behind a nonsensical note written over three different sheets of paper, including his life insurance policy. The contents of the note do not portray someone of sound mind.
We received an express package from my dad on June 11th, sent from Kahului, Hawaii on June 8th. The contents contained a paper bag full of loose change, along with a vague note written on the bag saying he “grabbed it by mistake”. The note also says he sold his truck. My dad loved that truck, and there is no way he would have sold it in his right mind. Given the way the note was written, we’re even more sure that he’s suffering from a mental breakdown. He has been suicidal in the past, so that is also a concern. My parents have visited Maui before, and we know how much he loves it there, but he has no means of supporting himself.
My dad has struggled with pain for many years, and this year we found out he has permanent nerve damage in his ankle. He’s also been plagued with severe insomnia, that’s kept him from getting more than 2-3 hours of sleep a night, if that, since around February. As a recovering alcoholic, it’s possible he may have gone somewhere to get drunk and pass out to get some sleep and escape the pain. And we know at least one of the new medications he’s been taking can cause psychotic or erratic behavior.
My dad is the sweetest man I’ve ever known. We’ve had some problems over the years, but he would never do anything to hurt me or my family for any reason. And he’s never disappeared like this before. It’s completely unlike him, and we just want to know that he’s okay.
Anthony Noonan is about 6'0’’ and weighs between 250-300 pounds. He wears glasses and can typically be seen in shorts and a loose t-shirt or tanktop. Because of his ankle, my dad can’t walk more than a few feet without the help of a cane or crutches. He walks with a distinct limp. He may also be using a knee-scooter for his bad leg. His hair is full but mostly grey, and he was last seen with no facial hair. He’s never had a cell phone.
If you have any information or think you may have seen him somewhere, please contact the King County Sherrif (WA) at (206) 296-3311 (their non-emergency line), or send an email to noonans.m (at) gmail (dot) com. If anyone has seen him in Maui, call the local police department at (808) 244-6400 (full disclosure: we’ve had endless trouble getting any help from the Maui PD. If he appears to be in distress, please call 911). I’m not including our home phone to respect my family’s privacy and to ensure the lines are open in case he calls home.
Additional photos and further updates will be posted on Imgur here (https://imgur.com/gallery/oiejp).
Please keep my family in your thoughts.