These photo’s are from a book called: “Make that the cat wise.” by Jacob & Haver. The book is written by dutch people who translate literally everything from Dutch exact into English, the sentences are often Dutch sayings. Like the title “make that the cat wise” is said when somebody knows a person is lying and tells you to make that the cat wise. It creates hilarious scenarios. I have explained the first three.
Photo one: “spring is in the air” the Dutch say that when spring arrives. It’s a saying. Spring is also a Dutch word but it means “jump”. So that’s why the guy says: “No, do it self” which means that you must “jump” yourself.
Photo two: The Dutch exact translation for vacuum cleaner is ‘dustsucker’, so when the British say vacuum cleaning the Dutch say dustsucking. The sentence is in Dutch grammar which makes absolutely no sense in English or any other language. ‘I hear the TV not.’ means (as you may guess) ‘I can’t hear the TV.’
Photo three: In Dutch, the (offensive) word for lebian is ‘pot’. The Dutch call a potter a potbaker but ‘pot’ means ‘lesbian’ the Dutch call it a lesbiansbaker. Being someting in ‘heart and kidney’ means that you are good at doing someting and love to do it too.
Ha ha ha Pancake!