“They said, “No, we’re going to go for this, we’re going to be true, and we’re going to throw ourselves into this as wholeheartedly as we can.” They just went for it, and I thought it was so beautiful. I have a part where I shuffle my foot as I walk in to indicate that I’m there, and then they look up and see me. Well, on the first take we did it, everything was fine, and then I have this epiphany. So, the scene starts, and they start making out—making out hot and heavy, looking hot as hell—as you could tell, since that was the take that was used—and I very quietly tiptoe in. I think they made out for an extra 45 seconds to a minute. (laughter)
Finally, they think, “You know, this is going on for a really long time.” So Dan looks up and he sees that I’m there, and so I smile with a genuine, “Ha ha, got you,” and so the entire scene afterward with the two of them was the genuine giggles with the two of them being embarrassed and caught. It was such a beautiful scene and a lot of fun to do. I bought them a six-pack afterwards, but they were so good about it. The way they embrace their roles is just beautiful because they have no prejudice towards it, and that’s great.”
—Katrina Law on filming the scene from 2x08 [x]