Two-headed tortoise Janus turns 25!
Janus, who also has two hearts, two pairs of lungs and two distinct personalities, would not have survived long in the wild as he cannot retract his heads into his shell to seek shelter from predators. But at the Geneva Natural History Museum, where he hatched in 1997, Bourgoin and her team of carers - who believe he is the world’s oldest bicephalic tortoise - can cater for his every need!
He is under constant surveillance in case he flips over, which could be fatal, and survived a bladder stone operation in 2020. His heads need periodic treatment with vaseline to stop them getting sore when they rub together.
His two personalities also generate different moods and tastes that can occasionally lead to conflict, for example over which direction to walk. “The right head is more curious, more awake, it has a much stronger personality. The left head is more passive and loves to eat,” Bourgoin said, adding that one head was partial to endives and the other to carrots.
This is wonderful. I love this so much. Conjoined turtles, having a long happy life and being taken care of is wonderful.
janus also has a special little skateboard
[first image ID: a close-up picture of Janus. He is a brownish-green tortoise with two heads. He is held in someone’s hand. end first image ID.
second image ID: a picture of Janus riding on a skateboard. it is tied to his midsection, and he is skating towards someone’s hand by pushing with his legs. end second image ID]
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