The fact that Jinx truly doesn’t believe she is loved; yet she is one of the most loved people in this entire show. It’s just so fucking tragic that she can’t see that.
Silco and Vi love her so goddamn much.
The climax of season 1, boils down to these two fighting for Jinx to pick them over the other, to stay with with them, be their family.
Hinx has literally just kidnapped them and shown herself to clearly be a danger to their lives and general safety, and yet….
The thought of losing her is unbearable to both Silco and Vi.
Silco would never have given her up. Never!
This is a man who less than a decade ago, would’ve sacrificed anything and anyone for his cause; but now…
He would burn everything and everyone for his daughter. For her to remain at his side.
She killed him and the most important thing to Silco, in his last moments, was making sure she knew he would have never given her up, that nothing was worth her, to comfort her, and tell her she was perfect.
And Vi. My other poor, tragic and beautiful daughter.
I don’t know how anyone can say Vi doesn’t love her sister. Did you even watch the show?
I think it’s such a misjudgment of Vi’s character that people say because she freezes up and doesn’t try “harder” to reach out to Jinx that she doesn’t love her.
Because think about that for a second -
Vi who is this seemingly unstoppable force of nature, completely freezes when it comes to Jinx.
She is so scared of losing her sister, of saying or doing the wrong thing, of hurting her again.
Vi blames herself so goddamn much to the point that Vi, VI, who is absolutely defined by her fighter response, just freezes when it comes to Jinx.
These two love Jinx so goddamn much and it breaks my heart how Jinx can’t see that; or at least not until it’s too late.
Then you have Ekko. Forget romantic feelings or crushes; this boy loved his best friend so goddamn much and had so much respect for her; that despite her (from his POV) choosing to be ‘evil,’ still put her on his mural of those he’s lost.
Jinx has killed people on that mural; and yet there is Powder in the center of everyone that Ekko lost that one awful night. She is one of three largest portraits up there. That’s an insane amount of love and respect to give to her; especially considering how their relationship devolved.
And then you get to their fight and Ekko who has been fighting Jinx and Silco for years; who has lost many of his people to them. Who is so angry and filled with pain and hates Jinx…
God, the look on his face when he realizes who he’s hurting, who is underneath him. This poor, beautiful boy goes through like several different stages of shock, pain, and longing in a matter of seconds, when he actually sees Jinx.
Then you have Vander. I know we don’t have much between him and Powder, but I am baffled by the idea that people think Vander didn’t love her.
His last words to Vi were - “Take care of Powder.”
In his dying moments, Vander thought of Powder; she was that important to him.
Now, if he has a few more sentences I’m sure he would’ve also told Vi to not seek revenge on Silco, because he wasn’t worth Vi and Powder’s lives and their safety, as well as reaffirm his love and pride for Vi.
But he didn’t get more time; so he said what was most important to him in that moment - “Take care of Powder.”
Don’t even try to say that Vander didn’t love Powder.
And while we don’t see much of them; you cannot tell me that Claggor and Mylo didn’t love Powder. Yes, even Mylo.
Mylo was an insecure, young boy who took out his anger and frustrations on his younger sister; because she was even more of a weak link than he was and he wanted to feel better about himself.
But, I can’t imagine he would’ve ever wanted to be such a source of pain and torment for her, that Jinx’s Demon!Mylo has become.
And, while we only see a few interactions between them, just the way Claggor looked at Powder tells me that he loved and cared for her.
This girl is so beyond loved (and has been loved) but yet, she can’t see it. Likely because she doesn’t love herself; she has a hard time imagining that someone could love her.