You know how sometimes you catch someone in a lie, and so they tell an even bigger lie to try and cover up the first lie they told?
Well, that’s happening right now.
Last winter, a handful of celebrity doctors went on mainstream news networks to assure us that Omicron was “mild.” They carpet-bombed us with articles and tweets, doing their best to brainwash everyone.
They were wrong.
In the end, real science junked that idea. An article in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that Omicron killed more people than previous variants, even when adjusting for other factors. Another study by doctors at Massachusetts General and Harvard Medical found that Omicron was just as deadly. In fact, “the risks of hospitalization and mortality were nearly identical.” As it turns out, the entire idea of “mild” Omicron was based on an old, flawed idea known as the law of declining virulence, developed by a doctor who was studying tick-borne disease in cows. It was debunked decades ago.
Most epidemiologists know that viruses don’t magically evolve to become milder. Virus evolution is random and chaotic.
In some cases, viruses evolve to become more deadly.
A handful of actual scientists tried to explain all this last winter, including disease experts at Johns Hopkins. A handful of other established experts spoke out against this myth. As a microbiologist at Penn State told Politifact, “You can’t just say it’s going to become nicer.” They were largely ignored, because everyone already sort of believed the misinformation. If they knew it was based on a study about cows, they probably would’ve thought twice.
This year, the makers of “it’s mild” are back.
They’re selling “immunity debt.”
We should be skeptical.
Schools and daycares are sending letters home to parents talking about this “immunity debt.” They’re saying that healthy children are getting sicker, even dying, because they weren’t exposed to enough germs over the last two years. Newspapers and TV stations across the country are running with it, proposing it as a “possible reason” for this year’s explosion in pediatric hospitalizations. Meanwhile, major medical organizations have sent a letter to President Biden urging him to declare an emergency over an “alarming surge of pediatric hospitalizations” due to a range of respiratory viruses, including Covid.
A lot of people are drinking the “immunity debt” kool-aid.
After all, Americans have believed for generations that getting sick is “good for you.” We think our immune system behaves like a muscle. We worry that if we’re not giving it a workout, we’ll get weak.
It’s a myth, just like the law of declining virulence.
Here’s why.
1. your immune system is not a muscle that needs exercise. getting sick more often wears down your immune system – this is why older people are more susceptible to illness, because their immune systems are worn out.
2. this “immunity debt” thing was made up by some rando in a 2021 article. it was speculation. there is no scientific evidence to back it up.
3. the microbes that live in your gut (friends! we love them!) are part of your immune system. best way to keep them healthy is to eat a varied diet and go outside sometimes.
4. if we were going to get this “immunity debt” then it would have happened last year, when schools reopened, mask mandates were dropped, and most kids got covid last winter
5. covid can wipe out your immune system, destroying the immunities you’ve built up to various diseases. it’s like measles that way.
6. the likeliest scientific explanation for what’s going on: all those kids (and a lot of adults) caught covid, it wiped out their immune system, and now they’re catching dozens of other illnesses that they no longer have immunity against.
article dated 29 Nov 2022
You Don't Have Immunity Debt: