“So we’re all in agreement then?” said Anjali, glancing over the spell one more time to be sure it would serve their purposes. “If there are no objections, let’s-”
Beside her, Kaveri stiffened, and nocked an arrow. “Anjali. Someone’s here.”
The madness took me and I did a high-effort group image of all five of my Celestial Exalts conspiring together over something. For fellow Exalted fans, the image is riddled with little hints as to what kind of Exalts they all are, if you know what you’re looking for/at. For those who don’t feel like trying to decode the symbols and/or don’t have any idea who these people are/what Exalted is, the character names/castes/etc are below, from left to right:
Forsaken Bride of Crimson Vows, Moonshadow Abyssal
(sitting pirate with femur-handled cat-o-nine-tails. Symbols include blood splatter on wall, skull, and broken statue of a Solar, indicating that she’s a fallen Solar)
Kaveri Shendo, Night Caste Solar
(standing, with orichalcum bow. As if the bow wasn’t a dead giveaway, her main symbol is the golden stained glass ‘halo’ behind her. She’s an imperfect Solar, but still intact.)
Anjali Skalishaya, No Moon Lunar
(sitting, with book and pair of moonsilver short klaives. Tattoos are a dead giveaway, but she also has the obvious symbolism of the nearly-gone moon above her.)
Malati, the Resplendent Orchid, Chosen of Secrets Sidereal
(sitting on broken wall/window. Symbolism includes the stars and spiderweb above her head.)
Yaxkin (Surname and/or title pending), Fiend Caste Infernal
(sitting on floor, scantily dressed. Symbolism includes the dragon on the mosaic floor below her, the fingers crossed behind her back, the twisty patterns and criss-crossed laces on her sandals, the snake-eyes dice, and the broken pot with a Solar on it, indicating that she, like Bride, is a fallen Solar.)
Marker, Micron pens, and a tiny bit of white gel pen on printer-sized Bristol board, approximately 3 days of work.