It’s not quite a transcript, but here’s the main points:
- BetterHelp is selling your mental health information to pinterest, snapchat and facebook.
- BetterHelp is paying its therapists very little - including getting paid per word WITH A CAP. At some point they stop paying for another word. Which puts a therapist in a bind: should they keep doing their work for free or should they withdraw support from someone that needs it?
- BetterHelp is creating the expectation that help is available at all time. Which sounds great, but one of the points of therapy is to create self-reliance. Also: therapists need boundaries too!
- BetterHelp is funded by billionaires and millionaires who care primarily about turning a profit for their investors. Not about the therapists. Or the patients/clients.
So: do not use Better Help, but look for another source.
Just gonna add some links in addition to the tiktok:
What are therapy apps doing with your data?
Mental Health Apps Aren’t All As Private As You May Think
If it’s working for you/it’s currently the only way you can access mental health care then use it, but know its limitations
Article 1